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25 March 2021
Agile Production in Future European Manufacturing Ecosystems

How do I fill out the profile?

The profile is the principal way that you present yourself to the other participants. We therefore want you to cover a few key topics:

1) Registration

  • Register via the green "Register now" button

2) Create your profile

When you fill out your profile, there will be specific mandatory boxes you need to fill out. These are:

  1. What is your project plan / idea for innovation?
    1. This ensures that you and your meeting partner have similar ideas for a project.
  2. What do you need for your potential partner to provide? Competence, research, technology, etc.?
    1. This ensures that you are talking to a potential partner which can actually provide you with what you need.
  3. What will you provide to a potential partner?
    1. This ensure that other companies know what you can provide them with.

    By covering these points you will increase the chance of generating more and better meeting requests.

    3) Browse profiles of attendees

    Find other participants by entering 'Participants' and identify the companies which ideas or plans meet your needs.

    4) Send & receive meeting requests

    • When you've identified the company you would like to meet 1-on-1, send them a meeting request.
    • Incoming meeting requests have to be accepted to be scheduled - so make sure to reply when you get one. 
    • Adding a meaningful remark why you are interested in a meeting will increase the chance that your request will be accepted. 


    • TIP: Download the "b2match" mobile app (iOS/Android) to
      * get access to your meeting schedule on your mobile phone

    B2B Meetings - A short Youtube intro

    Closed since 25 March 2021
    Organised by
    Finland 6
    Italy 5
    Latvia 4
    Türkiye 4
    Romania 3
    Belgium 3
    Netherlands 2
    Germany 2
    Spain 2
    United Kingdom 2
    Norway 2
    Denmark 1
    Estonia 1
    Austria 1
    Portugal 1
    Ireland 1
    China (Hong Kong) 1
    Nigeria 1
    Greece 1
    Hungary 1
    Israel 1
    Sweden 1
    Total 46